Libyan Highways Capacity
Vehicle congestion is a phenomenon that affects the world due to the potential increase in its population. Consequently, highway and traffic engineers are frequently engaged in evaluating the performance of different facilities of the highway system. These facilities include freeway segments, intersections, ramps, and other highway elements. The level of service is a measure of how well the facility is operating. It is both a qualitative measure of motorists’ perceptions of the operational conditions existing on the facility, as well as a measure of the density of vehicular travel. A primary objective in highway and traffic engineering is to provide highway facilities that operate at levels of service acceptable to the users of those facilities. Regular evaluation of the level of service at the facilities will help the engineer to determine whether acceptable conditions exist and to identify those locations where improvements may be necessary. Levels of different operating conditions are assigned to varying levels of service, ranging from level of service A to level of service F for each facility. The different levels of operating conditions are also related to the volume of traffic that can be accommodated by the specific component. This amount of traffic is also related to the capacity of the facility. The write up we will focus on two-lane highways and freeways, which are obtainable and used in different parts of Libya.